
Multipotentiality: a way to renew your career
This word alludes to interests, passions, and hobbies to build the life and career of your dreams.
Tell me: have you ever heard of multipotentiality? According to Emilie Wapnick (creator of the website Puttylike, a space for multipotentials), a multipotential person is one who has different interests and creative activities throughout life. Even multiple talents and passions that drive great and lasting careers.
Nowadays, acknowledging oneself in such a way throws light on a reality that already asks for multi-talented profiles, who add knowledge to create their own and new professions, as well as innovative businesses. But then comes the question: how do I know if I am multipotential?
What is a multipotential person?
The idea of a person with several interests is not new, for its essence has past roots. In this case, the polymaths (called Renaissance), who had mastered areas of art and science. Soon, they became those who "knew everything" about different contexts, disciplines, cultures, and languages (hence the term polyglot) and this used to be ideal. However, society evolved and we started to hear that we "should" have only one expertise.
When we hear that "you can only have one expertise", we close ourselves into a single box and stop taking risks. It even gives the impression that it is impossible to deviate completely from our official professions. However, if you look on Instagram, you will see women who are lawyers and love to share the look of the day wearing Beira Rio.
Extreme areas that talk to each other, where the lawyer is also a fashion influencer.
Usually, multipotentials recognize themselves by:
Having many interests: and usually, they all seem disconnected. But instead of immediately starting a list, use some statements and see how you feel. Like "I like fashion, editing videos, and running". This gives a sense of niche and sub-niche to your venture or when it comes to writing social media captions (and may just be the beginning of your success!).
Learning several subjects in a natural way: like a second language. Some people do this just by watching subtitled movies or listening to music. Multipotentials love to explore and possess new skills - and they get them fast. It is like they could not run out of knowledge, and they absorb information until they are satisfied. The twist here is: that after consuming and mastering the sources, the topics lose their luster and it is normal to feel the need to look for another one to unravel - and you should invest.
Being multi-taskers: in a very intuitive way, not workaholic, okay? There is pleasure in creating and getting involved in several projects - and the limit of dedication is usually three at a time.
Feeling a lack of purpose: multipotentials are restless because they don't know their vocation and hardly have a concrete answer to "what do you want (or wanted) to be when you grow up? Sometimes, because they migrate among so many themes, especially when "discrepant", they end up giving up or getting discouraged. And here comes the impostor syndrome. One of the solutions is to understand that this is not a problem, but a path to other possibilities.
For further information, watch: Why some of us don't have just one true calling?
I have identified myself, now what?
First: do more research on the subject.
Technology helps in this multipotential discovery, with several tools for self-knowledge, and which are aligned with the feminine plurality. After all, you, your friends, and all those around you are multi-dimensional. The difference is to study our personality to recognize that, yes, we have interests that differ from each other, and that's okay. That's the only way to flourish and achieve a satisfactory career path.
After that, connect the dots and take your time, don't get into a rush! Start with recurrent curiosities that either keep repeating themselves or are part of your day-to-day life (like fashion). Then add hobbies and passions (even the ones that have not been achieved). Since we are talking about multipotential, it is useful (and fun) to have a journal to record your work, insights, and suchlike.
We cannot forget about it: life! Who you are, live, or have lived is a resource for considering a new profession. Work out combinations that make sense and don't be afraid to try, give up, change, or start again, because the idea is to shape your career around your potential.
The important thing is that, at the end of this self-assessment process, you know how to separate the dream from the hobby. And pay attention, because some subjects are one and the same. Remember that people have common themes throughout their history. Literally, since childhood, a phase that seems to have no influence, but it was the period when there were not so many expectations.
Think that everything acts like little spoilers and it is the number of times they appear that you need to focus on. When you feel confident, you will have your why or your purpose.
After that, just announce it to the world, and always count on Beira Rio to cheer you on!

More than a blog, a meeting point with women\'s issues. Everything thought with care to optimize your routine and present an easy fashion that values your personality!